Streetname (1)
Roadways (2)
| Local |
| Collector |
| Minor Collector |
| Minor Arterial |
| Major Collector |
| PA Other |
| PA Other Expwy |
| PA Interstate |
Soils (4)
Inland Wetland Soils (5)
| Poorly Drained and Very Poorly Drained Soils |
| Alluvial and Floodplain Soils |
Farmland Soils (6)
| Prime Farmland Soils |
| Statewide Important Farmland Soils |
| Locally Important Farmland Soils |
Hydric Soils (7)
| Hydric |
| Not Rated |
Potential for Subsurface Sewage Disposal (8)
| High Potential |
| Medium Potential |
| Low Potential |
| Very Low Potential |
| Extremely Low Potential |
| Not Rated |
Soil Drainage Class (9)
| Excessively drained |
| Somewhat excessively drained |
| Well drained |
| Moderately well drained |
| Somewhat poorly drained |
| Poorly drained |
| Very poorly drained |
| Not rated |
Local Basin Direction (11)
| Outlet Direction |
| Main Stem Direction |
| Coastal Direction |
Local Basin Boundary (12)
| Major |
| Regional |
| Subregional |
| Local |
Local Basin Area (13)
Town Boundary (14)